
If for any reason you need to return or exchange a product, our Return and Refund process is designed to assist you. Please carefully read and follow the instructions below to initiate a return or refund.

How to Initiate a Return or Refund

  1. Fill out the Return and Refund Form on this page with accurate and complete information.
  2. Our Customer Support team will review your form and provide you with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number within 10 business days.
  3. Once you receive the RMA number, securely package the product along with the RMA number clearly marked on the outside of the package.
  4. Ship the product back to us using a trackable shipping method. Please note that return shipping costs are your responsibility.
  5. Upon receiving the returned product and verifying its condition, we will process your requested resolution within 14 business days.

Need more details?

Monday – Thursday 9 – 16
Friday 8 – 15 EET

Phone +330745049922
Email: [email protected]

Read more details here about our Refunds Policy.

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